Sunday, December 26, 2021

Jane speaks in church

Today we attended Jane's single ward because she was asked to give a talk.  
The Nielson's sat front and center in the congregation to support her.
It probably was a little awkward having her whole family mixed in with a bunch 
of young single adults, but that didn't stop us from going.
Jane is a fantastic speaker.
She is confident and clear and has a beautiful testimony
of the Savior and His plan.  
She focused her talk on Christ's light and love and also
her admiration for Claire and her example  
while on a mission in Brazil.

"As humans, we naturally crave light. We want our lives to be light literally, 
like when we walk into a dark room, and figuratively as 
we walk through the map of our lives so that we can
 clearly see and understand what is in our future.
I also love how naturally occurring light reminds me of the Savior
 and the majesty of God. The star that appeared over Bethlehem 
when Christ was born directed those searching to find Him.
 I love how fireflies and the aurora borealis 
point my attention to the creation of the world. 
I don't think it is any coincidence that our bodies need the 
naturally occurring light from the sun to survive, 
just as we need spiritual light that comes from the 
Son of God to uplift and feed our spirits and testimonies. 
I see Jesus Christ in the natural world around me, the beauty of the 
earth is a testimony to me of His existence and His love for us. 
I believe in Jesus Christ. He is the light and the life of the world. 
I have seen miracles in my life and I know the immediate and
 eternal blessings that come from doing my very best to emulate His life."

After church, we went across the street to the Raleigh temple to admire
and walk around the temple grounds.
I am so thankful for my children, and for Christ's light that
 we get and thrive from each day-- if we are willing to receive it.
(...Even though my kids can't for the love of anything
keep their eyes open for a photo in the sun).

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