Wednesday, November 03, 2021


Somehow last night I got talked into letting the Nies stay home from 
school one more day because we had one more load to make.
And it did sound really nice to have the boys lifting the heavy loads.  
So I agreed.
For most of the summer, we had been storing some of our outdoor things
 and such in a friend's barn in Apex about 20 minutes away.
 We used the moving van one more time and spent most of the day making
loads from the barn to the house.
My favorite part of the day was when we stopped for lunch
and I got a nice cold Dr. Pepper.
I've been drinking a lot these days.
The house is a nightmare inside with boxes everywhere,
but I am grateful for the mess.  It means we have a place to settle in,
and I enjoy the settling-in process.

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