Wednesday, June 23, 2021

A Walk on the Beach.

It rained this morning and into the late afternoon, canceling our beach plans
for the day. It was a little cold, too.
So we snuggled up together in the condo and watched 
movies until the evening when the rain stopped.  
We went out to dinner and after taking a walk on the beach.
I must admit that I felt lonely and missed Christian terribly.
It's no secret we don't do well without each other.
So I took a bunch of photos of our kids and texted them to him 
with a description of what was going on.
It went something like this:

"Isn't Gigs the cutest kid you ever saw?
He's going to be a heartbreaker."

"Wow, look how gorgeous our Jane is, especially on the beach.
We remember the good times we had sailing with you on Utah Lake!"

"Ollie is so handsome. He reminds me so much of you.
He's been so gentle and good to me on this trip.
I think he feels sorry for me since you're gone.
He's been really cool with the younger boys racing them
on the beach, and throwing the football around.

"Look! It's our Little PUNKIN!
She was so busy zipping around the beach with Riggs
I hardly saw her and was lucky to get these two photos!"

After we walked home to the condo,
 we were all in dire need of a treat,
AKA: a giant Dr. Pepper. This happens to us a lot.
So Lindsay and I took the older kids in the car to find something.
We all agreed on 7-Eleven, plus it was the only place open.
We indulged in Slurpees and stale chocolate donuts, then
went home and slept great.

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