Today is Father's Day.
Since the Nies dad isn't here with us it's hard to celebrate him!
But after church, we called him and gushed over him and
told him how much we loved him.
My friends at RHONE sent him over some essential items to wear.
I love when Christian wears Rhone clothes
he looks manly and handsome and they fit him really nicely, too.
He's been outfitted in Rhone for years now and STILL
wears the clothes he ordered in 2014!!
That's saying something (about the man, AND the clothes).
and the exceptional father he is.
I've never seen a father give so deeply to his children than Christian.
I've never seen a father invest so much time
and love in his children than Christian.
I am so thankful I married him and created a beautiful family together.
Sure, life is hard right now with a lot of unknowns, but I am 100% secure
in my love with Chrisitan and feel 100% secure in his love for me.
We are 100% dedicated to our family and our family
is thriving and happy because of it.
So while other things in life might be a little unsure,
our family and devotion to the Lord are not.
I love this photo of my dad relaxing with the paper while my
children's father puts together a dollhouse.
I am a lucky girl!

Later in the evening, we got a tearful call from our sister Claire in Brazil
who got to call Christian since it was Father's Day.
She was still feeling homesick and overwhelmed with her new life.
We reassured her she was where she was supposed to be,
and she only had one more father's day away from us.
(I don't think that helped).
I think time and prayer are the only cure for her in this situation.
I am so proud of her!