Monday, February 01, 2021

Manchester, New Hampshire

Today, after church, Claire, Christian, and I met with our stake president, who 
told Claire that she had been given a temporary mission reassignment.
We knew a reassignment was bound to happen with the high
 Covid numbers in Brazil and all the uncertainty.
We were thrilled to hear that she will be headed to serve 
 in Manchester, New Hampshire (and other parts of New England).
As a mother, I am excited to be in the same time's the little things.
On Friday, after her classes, I took her to get her haircut
(I'm her companion and have to be with her constantly...I'm not complaining),
and Jane came along, too.
Then, the three of us grabbed dinner and went to Target.
I love the HMTC (Home Mission Training Center)!!
Claire is so busy and works hard during
 the day, but after her last evening class,
she can be with the family and share all she's learning.
(And make the occasional Target run with me!)

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H A P P Y   F E B R U A R Y!

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