Wednesday, November 04, 2020


Since Halloween fell on a Saturday this year we were able
 to carve pumpkins right after breakfast!
I blasted our Halloween music mix and 
we began designing our fantastic Walmart pumpkins.
Of course, I made everyone separate the guts from the
 seeds so I could roast them later.  
That's one of my favorite parts of this activity!
They turned out so cute this year (just like every year!),
especially lit up in the dark, so we decided that next year we're going to carve 
them earlier so they can line our walkway days leading up to Halloween.
And, let's not forget about our Halloween PUP, Angus!
We had to put him in his crate for most of the night because
he was freaking out with the trick-or-treaters and the doorbell ringing
every few minutes.

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