Welcome JULY!!!
And goodbye to June!!
And goodbye to June!!
The year is slipping away from me, and
I can't believe we're really truly half-way done with 2020.
Part of me is glad because 2020 has kind of been a dump.
I started most of my plants from seed in my laundry room
at the beginning of the year and then transplanted them
Things are growing, blossoming, and thriving.
The North Carolina weather is very good to my harvest,
But the best is our pumpkin!
Lottie and I on a whim planted ONE SEED! ONE SEED!!
Lottie and I on a whim planted ONE SEED! ONE SEED!!
in the front of The White House and one day, it poked up and
hasn't stopped growing.
hasn't stopped growing.
The vine has sprouted in all directions and slithers like a snake
over the yard and our front walkway.

While I worked in the yard yesterday,
Lottie made a delicious outdoor restaurant in the backyard.
So in the 99 degrees 100% humidity, Oliver and I
sat in under the sun in the backyard eating sprigs of grass
and leaves on wooden planks that she set up
to be just like the Chipotle line.
(Do you want pinto or black beans with your burrito bowl?)

In the news, I read about the sadness and pain of our divided country.
Someone is hurt, someone is disrespected, someone in trouble,
there is oppression, racism, corruption, and sadly our
religious rights are attacked and suppressed.
religious rights are attacked and suppressed.
In a little corner of the world is this blog where I write
and share the good parts of my life, and
a place where I can remind my children of the good things our family
experienced while turmoil boiled over outside our front door.
I don't mean to ignore the trouble, rather I hope my daily journal entries
will help our family remain close to each other,
will help our family remain close to each other,
to the gospel, and to the Lord by focusing on things that happened in our life
that brought joy and peace like:
Lottie's outdoor restaurant, or Nicholas's saxophone practicing,
or helping Oliver learn to pickle his own cucumbers, my
plentiful garden, motorcycle rides around the neighborhood,
spotting fireflies on the front porch, or our family Sunday drives.
"If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it
difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps
now is a good time to refocus on what matters most."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
that brought joy and peace like:
Lottie's outdoor restaurant, or Nicholas's saxophone practicing,
or helping Oliver learn to pickle his own cucumbers, my
plentiful garden, motorcycle rides around the neighborhood,
spotting fireflies on the front porch, or our family Sunday drives.
"If life and its rushed pace and many stresses have made it
difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps
now is a good time to refocus on what matters most."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
(I love my simple calendars my friend Olivia makes,
and am saving past months to wrap presents with.)
and am saving past months to wrap presents with.)