This was one of the most low-key 4th of Julys we've ever had.
We lounged around, ate food, watched movies, and enjoyed an
epic, EPIC (like better than the Stadium of Fire epic)
firework show later in the evening.
On Sunday in Home Church, we discussed God's love for us
and how He shows us His love.
We asked the Nies how they know God loves them, and
Christian referenced this talk by Elder D. Todd Christofferson.
We also talked about what we would give up, abandon, or overcome
and give to God so we can change for good in our lives.
We were going to write them down and bury them outside in the yard like
the ancient people of Ammon did with their weapons in The Book Of Mormon,
but our discussion got away from us, then it started to rain.
On July 4th Eve, we celebrated outside The White House
letting off our own fireworks, sparklers, shooting torpedo lights into
the dark sky, and hanging out on the porch under the incredible full moon.

On Sunday we enjoyed our usual Sunday dinner,
with a cherry pie for dessert.