Monday, June 01, 2020

Home Church Week 11

Yesterday in home church we focused our 
meeting around a quote by President Nelson:
"In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually
 without the guiding, directing, comforting,
 and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."
I stressed to the Nies the importance of listening and following 
the Holy Ghost as it leads and guides our lives.  
Then I shared a story of my third great-grandfather Peter Schow
 who immigrated from Denmark.  
He was warned by the Holy Ghost in a small voice in the middle 
of the night that both saved his life, and then directed him to his future wife.
Peter and his wife Harriett created a family together and eventually years
later I was born followed by my Little Nies.
Had he not headed the warnings from the Spirit, 
I would not have been born.
It's a great story, and I am so grateful for my amazing faithful family heritage
who stayed strong in their faith in Christ.
I challenged each Nie to lookup and study about an ancestor who
lived a faithful life and report about them next Sunday in our Home Church.  
I'm excited to see who they pick to study, they have a TON of 
family members on both sides to choose from.

Happy June!

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