Thursday, February 13, 2020

LOVE in 2020

I'm so grateful that I have one last elementary-aged child (Charlotte)
in my life, so we can do fun things like making Valentine's Day cards,
and wear Valentine's Day themed clothes.
Years ago when the older Nies were all in elementary school together
the night before Valentine's Day was often stressful
 with red and pink paper hearts, stickers, treats, 
glue, glitter, and markers everywhere.
 (I kind of want those days back).
Hooray for Lottie who will be in 
elementary school for four more years
so we have a few more years of holiday celebration left.

This year (like years before), I ordered a sticker card with
 a cute photo of Charlotte (Pinhole Press), and
plastic sacks for treats to go inside.
She wrote each classmate's name on the sticker card then
loaded the sacks with her favorite treats, 
and stuck the sticker on top of the bag.
(We listened to The Phantom of the Opera 
while assembling this cute project, of course).
She didn't really want/need my help as I had hoped, 
but said I could take the paper off
the back of the stickers since she knows 
I get great satisfaction out of that.

Then we had a delicious dinner.

Valentine's Day throughout the years:


 Tomorrow is offically Valentine's Day and I will announce our 
new Lover's Day theme song.
(It's a good one).

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