I feel so thankful for my family and the beautiful traditions
we have, and the life we are lucky to lead.
I believe true joy is keeping the Commandments of God,
and following Him. No matter what comes our way.
Christmas of '07 we were living in Mesa Arizona, I would have never
believed that I would be spending Christmas of '08 in the hospital
in a burn center in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Then I never thought as I lay in a depressed and so sick
in the burn center in Salt Lake City, Utah
that the following Christmas I would be truly happy living
in the tree-streets near my parents and siblings in Provo.

I would have never guessed the following Christmas we would be building
our dream home in the neighborhood I grew up in
overlooking the city I loved.

Then Christmas of '17 while enjoying a lovely holiday in "Fox Hill",
I would have never ever guessed we'd sell that home and move
to New Mexico for a time, and spend one of the best
Christmases to date on the ranch.
Again change was on the horizon for us as we constantly reevaluated
individual growth and family goals, and a move to beautiful North Carolina,
to peruse a new dream...that was certainly never in our plans.
And here we are living very comfortably, and very happy
in The White House.
We are healthy, happy, most importantly together.
And I'm realizing that it's not necessarily "location, location, location"
that brings happiness-- it's family, God, and obedience to His commandments
that make all the difference, and we can do that anywhere.
* * * * *
“As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this season,
let us also celebrate all that His birth symbolizes, especially the love.
When we see shepherds, may we remember to be humble.
When we see wise men, may we remember to be generous.
When we see the star, may we remember the Light of Christ,
which gives life and light to all things.
When we see a tiny baby, may we remember to love unconditionally,
with tenderness and compassion.”
—Bonnie L. Oscarson, former Young Women General President