Monday, November 25, 2019


Last Friday morning after the older Nies and Lottie were dropped off at school, 
Mr. Nielson and I loaded Nicholas in the car and drove to the
 UNC children's hospital where Nicholas had his tonsils removed.

He was very pleasant and calm as we sat in the waiting room for
 his anesthesiologist to come in, and
he was calm when the surgeon came in to talk about the
 procedure and what his recovery will look like. 
(Ice cream and jell-o for dayzzzzzz).

He was calm when the nurses came in to check 
his blood pressure and other vitals.

And he held it together as we kissed his cheek goodbye and 
was escorted by two very lovely nurses to the operating room.

His surgery took about an hour, meanwhile Mr. Nielson and
 I sat in the waiting room with grateful hearts
 that our children were in good health.  

We saw some very sick children in the hospital with
 devoted family members nearby. 
 I felt overwhelmed with gratitude.

I was so thankful that Nicholas was in good hands during 
his surgery, and the knowledge that he would have a full recovery after
this surgery was so comforting.
Good health is SUCH A BLESSING, and we thank God every day for it.

Nicholas is recovering on our living room couch watching movies, 
eating Starburst Jell-o, and taking pain meds every three hours.  

I'm even waking him up in the middle of the 
night so he stays on top of his pain. 
 If I know anything about recovery and sickness, 
I know that pain management is crucial to a full recovery!

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