Monday, July 15, 2019

Jonesons Beach Week, day 1 & 2

We've been planning a beach week with our best friends, 
the Jones family for months now.
Finally the week has come! 
Last Saturday we drove down to one of our favorite beaches in
 North Carolina where we've rented a house right on the water.
It couldn't be more dreamy.
Our family arrived at the house before they did, so we
 waited on the porch for the Jonesmoblie to arrive,
and when it did we cried tears of joy! (Seriously!).
After we said our hellos and they unloaded the car, we piled the kids
back in the cars to grab dinner, and make a late late Walmart run.
We filled up three carts with food, (and sunscreen, and cheap toys).
Roaming Walmart at 11:30 with 10 kids in tow was an experience.
When we unloaded our groceries back at the beach house,
 we somehow managed to have bought
six cartons of cotton candy ice cream, and several boxes of twinkies.
And it was a miracle getting everyone up for church on Sunday,
but we did, and we enjoyed meeting wonderful people at 
 a wonderful uplifting meeting.
We have little plans this week because really, 
we just want to spend time together. 
 I feel like I haven't seen Lindsay in years, 
and we have to much to talk about.
It's going to be a good week with the Jonesons.
Jones + Nielson = JONESONS

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