Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Giant Piles

At 4:45 in morning, Mr Nielson and I drove
the Jones family to the airport to catch their 7:00 am flight.
It was kind of a somber sleepy drive.
After a tearful goodbye at the airport, we came home in the pouring rain
 to a house full of sleeping children.
 I jumped back into bed for a few more hours of sleep, and
after a nice little morning-nap,
 I was ready to catch up with the housework.
Around 10:00 I asked Ollie to run Angus.
When Ollie runs Angus, he doesn't actually run himself.
Instead he hops on his motorcycle and rides the back roads while Angus
speeds along.  It's really good for both of them.
About 20 minutes after they left, the rain turned into classic
North Carolina rain (pouring), and when Ollie didn't come back after a while
 I got worried so I jumped in the car 
and drove the neighborhood roads looking for them.
It was raining so hard my windshield wipers couldn't even keep up.
 Then I found Ollie huddled under a abandoned tree-fort in the woods with Angus.
I was amazed that I spotted them.
Ollie thought the rain would pass, which it didn't.
In fact, it poured all day and the power kept turning on and off.
It was fun and super cozy, and I would have normally LOVED it, 
except I needed power for all the dang laundry 
I had in giant piles on the floor.
While cleaning up, I occasionally would find
 little reminders of the Jones family,
like socks and toys, and wrappers, and soap left in the shower.
It made me feel homesick.
I also found these amazing signs written by 
our 1st graders, Lottie and Riggs in their "juice cafe" 
in the dining room:
(no smoking alarms on)

"No awkahol Bad for You"
(no alcohol bad for you)
* * * *
A very Happy Pioneer Day to one and all!
I am so grateful for my pioneer heritage and the
sacrifices and hardships they made and conquered for me
and my posterity!

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