In our family, birthdays are big a big deal.
I usually make the birthday girl/boy a cake
to celebrate on the Sunday following the actual birthday.
Since cousin Lydia's birthday was on Saturday, we celebrated
her birthday (with cake!) last Sunday.
I used a new recipe from a friend and
made a chocolate chocolate chocolate cake for Lydia.
It was way good, (but WAY better the next day).
It's rained everyday since Lydia came last Friday which
has kind of put a little damper on plans.
Last night after dinner, the kids ditched the table (and dishes...ummmmm)
and ran outside to run around in the rain.
It was fun to watch them experience the moment.
They all seemed so happy.
I was happy the big girls included their younger siblings-
especially Lottie.
Then the frogs came out and croaked all night long.
In my personal scripture study, I've been pondering
this question:
How does Christ's suffering affect my life?
I've been studying and digging deeper into my scriptures while
I contemplate this question.
I think it's important to reflect on the times I have felt Christ
in my life- the real tangible love that I can actually feel.
I feel his love for me when I align my life to his teachings
and his commandments.
I've thought about the choices I make daily,
and I wonder if those choices reflect the way I feel about Christ?
Do they show gratitude for his atoning sacrifice for me?
I have a long way to go, but am so grateful for
each new day and another chance to be better
than I was the day before.
I think being a mother is challenging
me everyday to be more like Christ.
Because Christ is patient, loving, kind, compassionate, and supportive,
I am learning from him to be that way with my own children.
So, how does his suffering affect my life?
It makes me want to please him, obey him, and honor him
through motherhood.
I want to show my love and gratitude to him by being a teachable,
selfless, devoted, and charitable mother to my children.
And right now, that's what I can offer...that's what I can give.