Wednesday, May 15, 2019

We're back.

The girls and I returned home from Utah yesterday.
Our plane was delayed twice, but
we finally rolled into RDU around 3:00 am.

I think we each agree that all the delays and flying inconveniences
 were absolutely worth it.  
It was so nice to see family and friends, and of course send 
Claire and Jane off to their first Prom, (and Jane's first date!).

We stayed at Lucy's house.  Basically we kicked her three kids
 out of their beds and took over the basement.  I am so thankful for them!

I decided not to take my computer on the trip which is why
 I haven't blogged for the last week.  I didn't want to waste
 any time that didn't include my girls or my family,
and I could see the computer pulling me away from moments
and memories spent with them.
Plus, every night when I would normally blog,
we stayed up way past 1:00 am
(which is 3:00 my time).

It was so fun to return to my hometown.
I miss people, the mountains, and of course the trails, 
but I am honesty happy to call NC home.
My family is where we're supposed to be right now.
I feel really grateful to be able to say that- it's a good grounded feeling.
I have a lot to report, and will begin my 
journal-blogging-catch-up tomorrow.

Also on the Nielson docket:
We are moving!  Just across town to a bigger home that
will fit our family a little more comfortably,
(Plus this home is closer to our property).

 I feel like I will be out of my mind as I pack up the Harlow House.
You'd think I'd be a pro at this by now, but I'm not.

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