Thursday, May 30, 2019


Last week Mr. Nielson and I attended 
Claire and Jane's FFA end-of-the-year banquet.
I am so proud of my future farmer daughters!!
Claire received THIRD in livestock judging with the highest
 score in her group for dairy judging.
Jane received FIRST in the region and THIRD in the whole state
 of North Carolina for dairy judging.
Jane is considering doing an animal science major in college,
and FFA has opened up many possibilities for that goal.
(Jane for FFA Prez 2021)
When the banquet was over and around 8:30,
Mr. Nielson and I took them out for pizza.
The restaurant closed at 9:00, so we were basically the only
ones in the whole joint which was wonderful because
 we talked about goals and the future.
Gosh, I love my girls!
The four of us sat out on the restaurant's back patio
watching the fireflies dance with the humidity as thick as pea soup.
My girls are bright, strong, and confident; FFA 
has been a huge part of that.

.....Meanwhile, back at The White House, progress is coming.....



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