Have you ever heard of The Flat Stanley project?
Lottie's 1st-grade class just finished up this fun assignment.
The Flat Stanley Project includes cutting out a paper boy(whose name is Stanley)
then sending him somewhere in the world to someone
who will then take Stanley around his/her neck of the
woods to show Flat Stan what living is like.
The recipient shows Stanley a good time.
When I was just out of high school, my older sister Page's son,
my nephew Layton sent his 3rd-grade Flat Stanley from San Francisco
(where they were living) to my boyfriend, who was serving a mission in Argentina.
The boyfriend sent Stanley back dressed in genuine Argentina garb
and sent photos of him with his companion and Stanley at the
local markets, meat houses, and random dogs and people.
That was back in 2000, so you can see The Flat Stanley
project is very much alive and well today.
Lottie had a lot of choices to send Stanley because
of so many family members serving missions
Me and Drew, 2018 |
Weeks before Lottie's Flat Stanley project,
I had just been given special permission to
help teach a missionary lesson in
This type of proselyting isn't typically done in the Church.
Drew and her companion Sister Lamb
knocked on a wonderful lady's door- whom I will call "M."
When M opened her door, she recognized my darling niece because
M is familiar with my story and has seen Drew (Sister Clark)
on my blog a time or two:
Me and Drew in 2002 |
It has been so wonderful to teach and testify
my love for Christ and my beliefs with M through a weekly Skype chat.
M just finished reading The Book of Mormon, and good
things are developing with her in Canada.
My niece has since been transferred to a different area of Canada,
but M and I (and the new missionaries in that area)
will still enjoy our chats together.
Peace in this life is only founded on the teachings
of Jesus Christ. Nothing else, and I also believe
that everyone needs that peace.
And I can testify to Christ's healing power in my life.
After I was baptized a member of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
I was given the gift of the Holy Ghost, who has
inspired me, warned me, loved me, comforted me,
and testified of the truthfulness of Christ and his divine mission on this earth.
Like the Bible, The Book of Mormon is God's words- it is another testament
of Jesus Christ, another witness of Christ, and I know it is true.
And so does M!!!!
SOOOO what does that have anything to do with Flat Stanley?
No, we didn't baptize Stanley or anything weird like that, but
we decided to send Lottie's Stanley to Canada with M.
I don't think there has ever been a more pampered Flat Stanley!
Stanley got a new coat with hockey gear and went out on
Lake Ontario to play a few pick-up games.
He went square-dancing, played with M's cats, played in the snow,
and even learned a few fiddle tunes!! (M is a master fiddler).
Thank you, M, for taking such good care of Lottie's Flat Stanley!
Happy March!!
AND Happy Birthday, Nana, who would be 106!!!
Spiritual Enlightenment: Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You!