but instead, last Saturday, we spent our day outside together.
I didn't regret it one bit, and if I am being honest, it was hard at first because
I'm usually thinking: "Right now I should be....",
(enter a thousand different things).
(enter a thousand different things).
But the right answer is "watching Lottie ride her bike,"
or "follow Mr. Nielson around the garage shop to see his projects,"
or "admire Claire's paintings," "check on the chickens with Jane," or
"film the boys doing awesome tricks on their motorcycles."
I think it's important to find a balance between when to play,
and when to work.
Sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't.
I know of several mothers who are really good at this,
like my friend Lindsay in Arizona and Amy in Utah.
I feel so grateful for good friends who inspire me and
teach me through example and compassion, and
I am thankful for motherhood and what it teaches me
and pushes me to become.
I like who I am because I am a mother.

But mostly, I am grateful for and honor my own mother,
Cynthia Sue Jones Clark turns
73 today! I LOVE YOU, MOM.
* * * * * * * *
Teachings from RMN:
Sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't.
I know of several mothers who are really good at this,
like my friend Lindsay in Arizona and Amy in Utah.
I feel so grateful for good friends who inspire me and
teach me through example and compassion, and
I am thankful for motherhood and what it teaches me
and pushes me to become.
I like who I am because I am a mother.

But mostly, I am grateful for and honor my own mother,
Cynthia Sue Jones Clark turns
73 today! I LOVE YOU, MOM.
* * * * * * * *
Teachings from RMN:
Lessons from the Lord's Prayers, April 2009
"The practice of Church members is to kneel in family
prayer each morning and evening, plus having daily personal prayers
and blessings on our food. President Monson said,
"As we offer unto the Lord our family and our personal prayers,
let us do so with faith and trust in Him."
And so, in praying for temporal and spiritual blessings,
we should all plead, as did Jesus in the Lord's Prayer, "Thy will be done.""