into a friend.
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday morning, I woke up with terrible aches and pains.
I knew I had the flu.
But I pushed through it so I could teach school, plus Mr. Nielson and
I had planned on attending the temple in the Q that evening.
The Little Nies were so excited to get out and off the ranch
and into the "big city."
I couldn't bare disappointing them to climb back into my bed.
Plus, I figured Satan was trying hard to get me back down.
So we went. I took some Motrin, a box of tissues, cough drops,
and my Mentholatum, and then I prayed.
Even though I felt like I had a bucket over my head and blowing my
nose every 4 seconds, we had a really fabulous time!
It's so fun being out with my children.
While Christian and I served in the temple,
they walked Angus and played at a nearby park.
After the temple, we hit Costco, Target, and Trader Joes.
We brought our trailer with us on this trip since we needed to load up,
we meant business!
Then I told the Little Nies I wished I had about three more Nies
to join our family, and Lottie fell asleep on my lap mid-pizza bite.
We were exhausted, and all the Little Nies fell asleep on the ride home.
We drove from the lights and cars and into the thick desert darkness;
the stars appeared brightly, showing us the way to the ranch.
Christian and I counted five shooting stars on the ride home and
talked about how much we love visiting the temple together.
Which always turns into us reminiscing, remembering, and talking about our wedding day,
and the promises we made to God and to each other.