Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jane and her hens

This morning the girls and I made a food shopping list, 
cleaned up the kitchen, wrapped a few Christmas presents, 
then we followed Jane to the chicken coop, where we helped
 her fed the chickens from our bucket of food scraps.
We also added a Christmas wreath to the coop door. 
Our dear friend/neighbor gave us several of her hens because 
a few nights ago, coyotes got into our coop and ate 
seven of our ten chickens (that was a heartbreaking morning).
Jane has taken to the chickens more than any of us.
She loves to feed and keep them comfortable, and who knows, 
and knowing Jane, she probably reads to them.
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In 25 ways, Over 25 days.
Once again, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by serving
others this Christmas season.  As we follow His example,
we can help Light the World!
Day 21:
"For I was hungered, and ye gave me meat."
-Matthew 25:35


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