Tuesday, October 10, 2017

We Found Fall!

When Christian and I decided to move to New Mexico, 
I had few hesitations because we knew that this was 
God's plan for us, and we completely trust Him.
However (and to be completely honest), I have to say my heart ached a little 
when I started to think about the months of
September, October, November, and December;
 but particularly the fall months.

I felt sad thinking I would miss Fall change my surroundings 
and bring lots of excitement and color.
I would miss the damp earthy smell of the world outside. 
I felt sadness and some emptiness thinking about how 
I would miss the orange, red, yellow, and gold leaves dotting the mountains
around me and in my neighborhood.
October has always been MY month. 
Fall doesn't happen here like it does in Utah.
So you must understand my excitement and pure joy last Saturday 
when Mr. Nielson took all of us in the truck to a beautiful area 
in the Zuni Mountains to explore and hike.
And we found Fall!!!

I must have taken 800 photos, then sniffed and exhaled 600 times.

I do believe I was in heaven today.
My heaven will be endless Autumn.

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