Thursday, June 29, 2017

My birthday (36)

My brother Steve nick-named me "Cubby" when I was born
because I looked like a little cub bear.
It was appropriate to eat my birthday breakfast at Cubby's in Provo.
* * * * *
I am 36 years old (on June 27th), and the day was the best!
I woke up and hiked the Y in the early morning; it was so beautiful; 
and moving my body and feeling alive felt so good!
I came home, and all the Little Nies and Mr. Nielson were waiting
 for me in the kitchen with a sign. 
They clapped for me and sang Happy Birthday.
My birthday itinerary included the following:
Albion in Salt Lake City for a new swimming suit.

Temple Square to see the temple, take photos, and meet the missionaries.

Costco for much-needed groceries (and flowers).
A long nap on my bed with Mr. Nielson.
Cake pick-up at the Sweet Tooth Fairy (MEGAN is the best!!).

Lottie got a cupcake for her best friend, Ada 
(Ada and I share the same birthday).
Dinner with Mr. Nielson
Swimming outside
Car ride with Mr. Nielson
Movie in bed.
The End.

When I turned:

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