Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hello Again!!

Mr. Nielson and I have returned to New York City several times
 since moving from New Jersey in 2006, but we have never
 revisited our town of East Brunswick.
This trip, we made it happen!
We drove the familiar roads, freeways, and side roads 
until we made it into our neighborhood.
Then I felt emotional and cried.

The house and neighborhood look about the same.
We found our little yellow house and parked 
around the corner so we could walk up to it and not look creepy.
I felt the familiar love for the neighborhood and our rectangle house.
My mind was flooded with memories!
I saw the streets I walked when I was in labor with Oliver and 
the window to my bedroom where Oliver was born.
I saw the front lawn where I planted flowers, had picnics, and
where the girls and I caught lightning bugs in the humid summers.
I saw the windows that Mr. Nielson installed when we remodeled the back bedroom.
I saw where we discovered a cesspool in the backyard
and the front door that Christian painted (still red!).
I wandered up the driveway where the little girls would
 run up and down barefoot for hours with princess dresses on.
And best of all, our neighbors across the street still had the GOOSE!!
She looked healthy and happy and dressed!!
We also visited Colgate-Palmolive, where Christian worked, 
and drove to South Amboy, where my dear friend Aimee still lives!
 I totally remembered precisely how to get to her house. Amazing.

After spending all day in New Jersey, Mr. Nielson and I took the train back to NYC
 to our hotel room. On the train, we talked about our life in New Jersey years ago.
We talked about the hard, overwhelming, and happy times and  
laughed at the funny things that happened to us daily.
I am so thankful for those experiences. 

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