Monday, January 02, 2017


Dear Oliver Christian,
You are twelve today.  Sometimes when I think about you, I spontaneously cry. 
 You do that to me.  I cry because you are so special.  
You are bright, kind, and good.
I am proud to be your mother.
I know you have a bright future ahead of you, 
and I can't wait to watch you get there.
Today we are going to have a fun day celebrating by going to a movie (Star Wars)
 and eating at your favorite restaurant (Pei Wei).  
And I know, I know, you don't want cake!  How about ice cream?
What about donuts?  I bet you'd be happy if I stuck a candle 
on a gummy worm.  You love gummy stuff (just like your cousin Maloy).  
Can't wait for you to be in Mutual with your sisters and me!
(I can't believe you are getting so big!!!!).

I love you, son.  I love you SO much!

Favorite Oliver post HERE

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