Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I Forget The Rest

I have a beautiful poster that I framed
and put it in my bathroom (so I'll see it daily).

-Walt Whitman

Last night I spoke to a room full of women, and right there in 
the front row in a suit was my Christian.
He's always front and center in my life, cheering me on
and supporting me.
A few nights ago, we went to dinner together, and I reminded
him of when he took care of me after I was released from the hospital.
He would bathe me and put medicines and ointments all over my burns and open sores.
Then he'd put my compression garments on while I'd scream and yell.
Sometimes we did this twice a day.
Every day, day after day after day.
He never complained---not even once.
And even though I cried my eyes out in pain,
frustration, and discouragement during those dressing changes,
we were together, and that helped me forget the rest.

Let's talk today on!

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