I put Christmas lights on Lottie's little dollhouse.
Then she dumped out all of her dolls and furniture and set up a farm.
She played upstairs in the loft for almost three hours- alone.
She wanted me to leave her alone but before I left, she asked for three things:
1.Christmas music to be playing.
2. Her water bottle.
3. Peanut butter & honey sandwich.
Easy enough!
As I did jobs around the house downstairs, I could hear her little voice
jabbering away upstairs.
Something about bunnies, a magic door, a sparkly dress, and a baby.
I remember being a child and playing with my paper dolls
much the same way.
The paper dolls I played with were always happy, always healthy, and safe.
I often consider my childhood and remember how (even at a young age),
I knew that motherhood was my first priority.
I know my role in my children's lives is priceless, and I know
that motherhood takes strength, patience, and sometimes sacrifice.
"A Mother knows that the influence of righteous, conscientious, persistent,
daily mothering is far more lasting, far more powerful, far more influential
than any earthly position or institution invented by man."