Our last full day at the ranch was Friday and during the day
Mr. Nielson took us to Albuquerque to a cattle auction.
He had been to auctions before, but the children and I had not.
Annnnd just wow.
It was a little bit stinky, a little bit dirty, and a little bit loud.
I was so impressed with the efficiency of the
auctioneer and how quickly he moved things along.
After the auction, we walked around the cattle grounds,
looking at all the different types of cows and livestock.
It was eye-opening, to say the least.
We got home, ate dinner with the family, and
prepared ourselves for the annual Nielson family barn dance.
One of the best nights of the reunion.
prepared ourselves for the annual Nielson family barn dance.
One of the best nights of the reunion.
The barn doors are open, and the dance floor is ready for a hoedown.
Mr. Nielson and I got down while our kids acted super embarrassed
dancing to classics like Tim, George, and Taylor (of course, Taylor).
And just like that, the Nielson reunion was over.
On Saturday morning, we left the Land of Enchantment
and the orange dust behind us.
and the orange dust behind us.
It was truly bittersweet.
What a beautiful week we have had. 
The End.
And...Happy August!