This morning, Nicholas ran into my room and told me that our barn cat
(whom Lottie named "Rajah"), was having kittens!
It was so exciting, and Lottie couldn't contain herself.
And sure enough, there was young little Rajah under the rose bush birthing
what looked like little black mice.

what looked like little black mice.

I think Lottie thought she would have little furry pink-nosed kitties,
and was a little unimpressed with what she saw, but stayed and
watched the whole process nonetheless.

and was a little unimpressed with what she saw, but stayed and
watched the whole process nonetheless.

The boys probably rode Bae a thousand times around
the ranch house dressed up like Jim Craig.
the ranch house dressed up like Jim Craig.
They also played pioneers and used the large
oversized squash and zucchini from the garden as little pioneer babies.
oversized squash and zucchini from the garden as little pioneer babies.
In the evening, after dinner, Mr. Nielson and I slipped away again,
this time on a wheeler.

this time on a wheeler.

We drove around to our favorite spots on the ranch, including a place
where if we could, we would build a ranch home that Georgia O'Keeffe
would approve of.
would approve of.
We also wheeled over to "Hidden Canyon."
where incredible rock formations have been created-
It's beautiful, rugged and wild.
where incredible rock formations have been created-
It's beautiful, rugged and wild.
We stayed until we heard the coyotes howl, and we knew it was
time to head back to headquarters.
time to head back to headquarters.
The ranch is beautiful country,
we play hard, sleep great, and look forward to what tomorrow will bring
(and I hope it's another thunderstorm).
(and I hope it's another thunderstorm).
* * * * * *
Also, while at the ranch, I am scheming up plans for our
2016-17 Back to School Feast planned for August 10th.
I ordered my stained-glass stars today. Do you have yours?
Also, while at the ranch, I am scheming up plans for our
2016-17 Back to School Feast planned for August 10th.
I ordered my stained-glass stars today. Do you have yours?
* * * * * *
Mr. Nielson and I are chatting today...even from the ranch!