Thursday, December 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Nie Family!.

Yesterday Mr. Nielson and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary!
It was low-key because we plan to celebrate together 
today in Salt Lake City, where we will also 
be doing an interview with Brooke Walker at KSL Studio 5.

Also, while we are in Salt Lake, Mr. Nielson
It will be wonderful; I have been looking forward to this for months.
Last night we supported sweet Jane at her Christmas concert, and after and
in a major snowstorm, Mr. Nielson and I took the Little Nies to dinner.
We celebrated not only our wedding anniversary but our family's 15th BIRTHDAY!
I love making these memories with my family.  
I love traditions, and I love Mr. Nielson, who helped me create our five
very beautiful, very healthy children.  

* * * *

Luke 2:13-14

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