Yesterday afternoon, while Lottie sat in the kitchen sink and played with her
ponies, I put together and assembled our family Christmas cards.
Before I knew it, it was time to pick up the Little Nies from school.
It's amazing how fast time flies!

Jane walked into the kitchen, dropped her bag, and enthusiastically asked
if she could help me put the rest of the cards together.
I was so relieved by the help!
Jane is a good little worker and is very good at details, and
she also loves to talk and tell stories...lots of stories while working.
Mostly, she tells about her day and funny stories from school (it's awesome!).
We sat at the kitchen table for over 4 hours,
talking and laughing and listening to Christmas music
while putting together the cards.
It has been one of my favorite holiday highlights this year.
* * * * * *
Christmas GIF Advent: Day 10