Claire, with the rest of the Little Nies, got up really early on Claire's birthday;
(while it was still pretty dark outside) to open up her birthday gifts,
wear the birthday crown, and have birthday pancakes.
(You can see by the photos how dark it was outside).

I love shopping for Claire. She is easy because
she loves anything whimsical, creative, colorful, or magical.
Basically, she is just like me.
She loves receiving books with beautiful drawings
that she can look at and use as inspiration for her own artwork.
She has been wanting this for a while now because she is making a
neighborhood fairy tale motion picture.
( I will be posting on that later).
Mr. Nielson and I got all the Little Nies out of school at lunchtime
because we were headed to Salt Lake City,
where Mr. Nielson and I were invited to be involved in the
World Congress of Families conference.
I was asked to speak at the event (more on that later, too).
Claire invited her best cousin Lydia to join us for lunch.
After lunch, we drove to SLC, where Mr. Nielson checked
us into our hotel room while I took the girls to Albion to see my
friend, Liz, the Megamind behind this beautiful store.
little girl's swimming suit they were selling.
She is so generous and kind.
Later that evening, Mr. Nielson and I participated in a
Q&A, which was sponsored by
The World Congress of Families
and we took questions from those attending the conference.
Before we opened up the discussion, Mr. Nielson asked Claire up to the stage where
The World Congress of Families
and we took questions from those attending the conference.

he asked everyone in the audience to sing Happy Birthday to her.
She loved it, despite what her red face said.

She loved it, despite what her red face said.

At the podium, Mr. Nielson and I explained why we love our families,
The Little Nies sat on the ground behind us while we spoke.
They were very well-behaved... probably because
we promised them we'd get dinner (and treats) together after, which we did.
They were very well-behaved... probably because
we promised them we'd get dinner (and treats) together after, which we did.
said why they love Claire. It's the sweetest thing as a mother to hear her children
openly praise one another. I might have cried a little.
After, Mr. Nielson took them all to the hotel swimming pool, where they spent the next
few hours, and I got in a nice hot tub back in my room.
Win-win for all!
Before bed, Claire told me this was her very favorite birthday ever.
That is also another perfect thing a mother wants to hear!
Happy Birthday, Claire!!
* * * *
{Mr. Nielson and I are hosting a one-on-one
private chat today from 10 to noon MDT.
private chat today from 10 to noon MDT.
Come talk about the Mormon faith and any
other questions you may have.
These chats are private, and anyone is welcome!
* * * * * * * * * * * *