We spent the weekend enjoying the 185th
Conference is held every October and April, and I dare say
My favorite session is in October because of the beautiful fall foliage,
festive decorations, traditions, and the cozy we enjoy!
Boss and Mary (Mr. Nielson's parents) came up from Arizona to join us
for this special weekend.
On Friday, we drove up the beautiful Provo Canyon to Sundance.
We took some photos and picked up a few famous
Sundance suckers and let Lottie throw rocks into the river.
Saturday and Sunday were spent in our living room watching
the wonderful inspirational talks given by church leaders and our prophet.
I had a list of questions that I wanted and needed answers to
from heavenly guidance, which would absolutely be answered this weekend.
Questions about my life, my children's lives,
my secret project (remember that??), and my spiritual welfare.
I think they all got answered this weekend. Mostly, I felt peace.
Peace for the days and weeks ahead.
That is a good feeling.

For conference breakfast, I made Ebelskiver batter and Mr. Nielson
filled them with cheese and jam and cooked them up.
We pile on the maple syrup, Nutella, caramel, powdered sugar,
fruit, and fresh creme. It's a dream.
At October conference, I make Ebelskivers, and April conference,
I make Dutch babies.
It's all about the traditions.
"In the work of salvation, there is no room for comparison,
criticism, or
It is not about age, experience, or public acclaim.
sacred work is about developing a broken heart, a contrite spirit,
and a
willingness to use our divine gifts and unique talents
to do the Lord's
work in His way."
-Carol F. McConkie