Yesterday was our last day of summer vacation.
It was stupid of me to save school supply shopping
(at Target) until the day before school starts.
Yep, me along with about 600 other families.
It was kind of a nightmare,
but we chalked it up as part of the back-to-school experience.
The rest of the day was spent swimming, (twice), preparing and
stocking backpacks, talking about what the kids want in their lunches,
and we tried on school clothes.
The girls love when I help them match and create outfits,
but they have their own darling unique styles, too.
Later that evening, Mr. Nielson took the boys to the elementary
school for the "meet the teachers night" while I
took the three girls to the middle school to meet teachers,
see old friends and pick up class schedules.

Let me stop there......................
I can't believe my girls are in middle school.
((Fun Fact: they have the same art teacher as I did in 7th grade!!))
Mr. Nielson picked up dinner while I drove the Little Nies home
so we could swim one last time.
My kids love when I get in the water with them, it's such a novelty, I guess.
We had dinner in our towels dripping wet on the porch while the sun
faded slowly behind the western mountains.
We talked about school expectations for the new year,
and I think the overall feeling about school is actually positive,
which makes me very happy.
After dinner and showers, I put Lottie in bed, and Mr. Nielson and
I gathered the children around us as we shared our last-minute advice
and direction for each child.
We warned the children; especially Claire and Jane about social media.
We want them to use good judgment as they learn and discover
all it has to offer, but also all of the destruction it can cause, too.
We wanted them to know that social media can be such a
positive and effective tool if used with good intentions, but can be used to degrade,
disrespect, and hurt others-- and themselves if used selfishly and unwisely.
We expressed our desire for each child to be kind.
We want them to love others- especially those who are different or need a friend.
I want them to be aware of those around them and lose
and concentrate on others daily.
Mr. Nielson gave a Priesthood Blessing on each Little Nie
(except snoozing Lottie),
They are always beautiful and inspiring.
Here's to a new year. Cheers!!