Tuesday, September 06, 2011


I'm glad that I kept blogging during some of the worst times of my life,
and my life right now is a different hard, and I am trying to do
my best to keep journaling through this rough patch, too.
Being pregnant has been hard.
Harder than I imagined, I mean, I knew it wouldn't be easy, 
but this has really been something.

I am adjusting to being pregnant with my new body.
Everything I experienced with the past four pregnancies has been tripled
with frequent pain, lots of nausea, sensitivity to smells, and throw-ups.
Add a double dose of guilt for being bed-bound 
and now, complaining about it, when I know I should be nothing
but grateful!

At least August is over, and I can feel the seasons change.
Cooler weather is on my horizon.

Just to end today's post, I'd like to share with you a list I made called:
-You cry watching the end of Dirty Dancing.
-You cry while listening to Katy Perry sing, 
"You think I'm pretty without any makeup on..." 
-You cry when you drive past the temple where you were married.
-You cry watching your six-year-old son watch Star Wars because it's the cutest thing.
-When you're struggling to decide what's more urgent - peeing or throwing up - 
and you end up doing both at the same time anyway, 
but one of them doesn't make it to the toilet.
Then you cry and cry.
-You cry when you find out Glamour magazine asks you to write a 
guest article, and you feel less than glamorous.
-You cry when the article you wrote for Glamour is pretty good,
and Jen, Demi, and Alicia are on the cover.  

Check the October 2011 issue!!!

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