Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Did you know it's Spring break here in Utah?
My kids are home running around naked and eating grated cheese
because that's what you do when it's Spring Break.
It's awesome.
What are yours doing?

Early this morning, I lay in my bed, inside my house was quiet and dark,
except for the slightest glow from the early morning light.
I could see the snow blowing hard under the light post across the street,
and the chimes blowing away, and, yet, I was pleased.
I know it is supposed to be SPRING break, but I love the snow.

Listening to Mr. Nielson's breathing, 
I reminisced about recent our romantic getaway weekend to Arizona and California 
and sailing on Balboa Island.
We stayed on Laguna Beach in a cute little bungalow
 where Chrsitian's brother, Peter, and his wife, Darrin live.
While in Arizona, we attended a gala where I was honored to 
meet some other burn survivors. I thought about them, and the joy felt 
being able to relate and connect with them.

On our drive home from California, my body felt a little achy
and tight, and I knew we were getting closer to Utah.
Then before I knew it, we were driving in a blizzard home.
I didn't mind it.

Then my thoughts went to the Little Nies 
and what we'd do to keep busy this Spring Break.
I don't think eating cheese naked was on my mind, but
I'm sure glad someone (Gigs) enjoyed that!

It will be Spring in my house all this week, snow or shine.

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