Dear Mr. Nielson,
I just put the children to bed, and now my thoughts are completely devoted to you.
I must say, I am a bit tired--what a day it has been!
I took our little Jane and together we triumphed the "Y".
I was so proud of our little redhead.
She marched up that mountain holding my hand the whole way.

I must say, I am a bit tired--what a day it has been!
I took our little Jane and together we triumphed the "Y".
I was so proud of our little redhead.
She marched up that mountain holding my hand the whole way.
Then at home, dad made mashed potatoes that would make you die.
They were so good, and I think he adds lots of cream
to them-is your mouth watering?
I set the table and used Nana's darling etched glasses.
(Mom, can I have these when you peacefully return to the Lord?)
They were the perfect touch to the table and matched the wild hydrangea
I found in my mom's garden.
Then Lucy, mom, and I went in searching for the perfect fabric
for Lucy's mid-century modern chairs.
Lucy decided on a lovely shade of yellow, it looks like a plump ripe
lemon from off our tree in the backyard.
.Andrew said he wasn't much of a fan,
but would give the color some time.
I get it.
for Lucy's mid-century modern chairs.
Lucy decided on a lovely shade of yellow, it looks like a plump ripe
lemon from off our tree in the backyard.
.Andrew said he wasn't much of a fan,
but would give the color some time.
I get it.
I think most women love color.
We love to make our lives pretty and fill it with things that make us happy.
Our children make me happy. They fill my life with the most beautiful colors of all.
But YOU Mr. Nielson, you make me the happiest.
You are the unspeakable color in my life-and that's a good thing.
Adoringly yours,