My constipated Claire finally went #2 on the toilet without me even asking
or reminding her too.
Then she took a lovely nap and hugged me all throughout dinner while telling me
that I was the 'best mom ever.'
It's days like this that being a mother is brilliant!
Christian took us to Barnes and Noble after dinner for some
Godiva hot chocolate with delicious whipped cream.
Seeing my two girls sitting on their knees on the bar chairs
in the café blowing bubbles into their hot chocolate was precious.
Afterward, I followed Claire as she wandered around the whole children's
book section, telling me she wanted everything for Christmas.
Santa better have a lot of money and a big sack for all this loot.
As we started driving off out of the parking lot, I looked back
to see my children settling into their car seats.
Claire's face was hiding behind a book.
An unfamiliar book.
I turned on the light in the car and noticed that this
unfamiliar book was, in fact, very UNFAMILIAR…and maybe even stolen?
I lowered the book in front of Claire's face,
and she looked at me with a suspicious smirk.
Her facial expressions showed a mix of
I got away with taking this book from Barnes and Noble,
and with my adorable face,
I didn't get caught—not even by my own folks.
I know taking the book is wrong, but I really want it.
As Christian took the book back into the store,
Claire, in all her dramatics, yelled:
"Santa Claus will give it to me; you'll see!!"