Claire Aurora was born four years ago today.
She popped out of me looking very similar to Mr. J. Thaddeus Toad from
the darling classic Wind and the Willows.
And so it began, and we gifted Claire with her first nickname: TOAD.
It's not meant to be mean.
She is the most adorable little toad I've ever ever seen!
Claire is extraordinary, gifted, and wonderful.
Her long deep black eyelashes border her hazel-tinted eyes.
She has thick jet-black hair that compliments her fair skin,
with a little button nose and heart-shaped lips.
Claire is the spitting image of Snow White.

Her favorite Uncle Christopher (CK) got Claire
a little plastic cow on her first birthday.
This cow has moved with us three times and is still the favorite tub toy.
I honor the cow (who we call Jersey) on this special birthday too,
for she has put up with a lot.
I won't go into it, but we all know what sometimes
goes on in a baby tub...something brown that floats?
This year CK and Courtney gave Claire some pink Crocks, and
she adores them, just like she adores the cow.
Claire makes me happy every day.
She makes me laugh (and she occasionally makes me cry, too).
For four years, Claire has molded me into the mother that I have become.
I love you, Claire.
Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom.