Sunday, October 13, 2024

That's Life


Today was a beautiful Sabbath day.
Church was amazing, as usual.
I teach the 10-year-old kids, and I love that job so much.
They are so insightful and good.  
But today, they were silly and loud.
Even though I wanted to wring some necks, 
I mostly just hope they feel loved and accepted by me.
I genuinely adore and pray for these sweet souls.

The day after Hurricane Helene moved out, I went outside and
  inspected my flowers and my 
Dahlias and my Zinnias made it through the storm.
Truth is, they look better, having weathered the storm.
That's life.
We're all better off when we can overcome and weather
our own personal storms.

Today, Christian was assigned a new church calling
as the Branch President.  
Christian loves our branch family so deeply.
He is so in tune with the Lord and will do an amazing work
serving alongside our congregation. 
I'm so proud of the man he is.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Witch Hazel

 Early this morning, yet again, another baby calf was born!  
This time, a little girl!
I named her Hazel.  You know, like Witch Hazel.  
Another nod at October and this Halloween month.
Our new babies are the cutest little things
and they hide in the tall grass or escape under the fence
and wander off into the woods to stay cool,
which makes it a bit of a game to find them.

Finally, tonight, we went out to dinner for Gig's birthday.  
I still need to buy him donuts and candles to complete
his 18 birthday tradition.
So, we're extending the celebration.
I don't think he cares at all.

Friday, October 11, 2024

An October Toby

Early this morning, Christian shared the exciting news
that one of our mama's had a baby boy calf.
I named him Toby (after this most amazing month of October). 
It wasn't until later this evening, after dinner, that we drove out to the
pastures to check on Mama and Baby.
Toby is adorable. And so very tiny!
Lottie and I rode on the tailgate on the way home 
listening to spooky Halloween music 
and singing at the top of our lungs!
Core memory.

My Zinnia's are dying with the weather.
It's getting really chilly in the evenings.  I love it.
I've been picking them and putting them in my Skull vases.
Once they die and wilt, they look spooky but oddly beautiful.
Next week, I will clean out my garden in preparation
for my tulip bulbs (which came in the mail yesterday!).

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Soon Enough!

I am that much closer to my big announcement, and I can't wait to share.
Soon enough!

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Gigs Day Two

 Today, Gigs has been 18 for two days, 
and for the last three, I haven't been able to get out of bed.
I don't know what I have, but I ache so bad I think I might die.

On Friday, I spent almost the entire day taking Advil 
and DayQuil, and watching all seasons 1-2 (again!) of Poldark.
Lottie turned my nightstand into a medical station.
The only two things I managed to do were wrap a few gifts for Gigs
and text Jane a photo of how I think she looks like Demelza.
And that was it.
On Saturday, I was still bed-ridden but got up to take a few birthday photos
of Gigs opening a few of his gifts.
With Gigs' birthdays, I only managed to get about 20% of
I can't explain it; I don't even know what happened again,
he just never likes the things I give, PLUS I felt so sick
I didn't even make him a cake.
Things he did like;
New brakes for his car.
Spiderman ski mask.
2-pack Batman socks.
Costco shirt.
After I send back the bulk of the gifts I got him,
we'll get donuts to celebrate.
Probably on Thursday.  Probably.  
If I make a full recovery.
(Finger crossed).
Then I was back in bed watching conference.
The best.
Every talk was about peace, unity, and having a relationship with Christ
who is our foundation for truth and right.
HE and He alone can unite our hearts, make the wrongs right, 
and heal. I trust Him, and I trust in the words of His servants, 
the Prophet, and Church leaders.
I am completely, 100% all in.
This year, Gigs watched conference 
with Kitty snuggled up on his lap.
I told him that at the next October conference, he'll be in a suit and tie
somewhere on his mission.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Weary Wings

This morning, after I had dropped Lottie off at school, I rounded
the corner to our long driveway and was greeted by my
spooky ghosts in the famous North Carolina fog.
Then, I parked and walked to my garden, where my Zinnia's
are slowly dying with the season as the nights get chilly.
But my Dahlia's are thriving!
On closer look, I noticed giant bumble bees sleeping peacefully
in the delicate folds of the Dahlia petals.
What a sweet scene to see.
I mean, if I were a bee, I'd probably pick a beautiful
flower to nestle in for sleep, too.
God is so creative, colorful, and meticulous.
When I saw this, I felt it was a love note from Him
and I realized that He not only sees me
when I pray and in my needs and struggles, but
He also created a plan for the adorable bumblebees who,
after a busy work day need
a warm, comfy place to rest their weary wings at night.

I love Him so much!


Monday, October 07, 2024

Midnight Snack

 So there we were, dead asleep (me still sick) in our bed 
when the door violently opened, and Gigs walked in.
"Dad, Dad, Dad, are you awake?
I need your help!"
And almost instantly, we both woke up to find Gigs, 
who had now flipped our light on with Candace 
(his Ball Python snake) wrapped delicately around his necklaces
around his neck!
Squeezing tighter and tighter with each minute.
He also had blood dripping down his neck from his ear.
He looked like that photo of Trump after getting shot in Pennsylvania.
I didn't even know where to begin.
What is going on?
Why is it 1:00 in the morning, and you're holding Candace?
Why are you bleeding?
He explained that he had removed Candy from her cage and then
she slithered around his neck, getting tangled in his necklaces, 
and then she bit his ear, probably out of frustration.

Christian carefully helped him untangle her from his necklace,
had a little chuckle, and we sent Gigs on his way back to bed
making him promise us that he'll really, REALLY go to bed.
I swear, once it's midnight, Gigs is like,
"Hey, what can I do? I know!  I'll feed and clean my snake's cage, 
yes, great idea, even though I have to wake up for seminary in 4 hours."
I think he's a vampire.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Happy Birthday, Gigs! 18 Reasons

 Well, Gigs is officially an adult!
Happy 18th birthday, Gigs! 
Congratulations to my (once chubby) brown-eyed boy!
As our recent birthday tradition goes, we recreate 
an old photo of us together:


Here are 18 things I love about my Nicholas Jones Nielson:
1. He is funny.  So funny.  Sarcastically funny- my kinda funny.
2. He has a compassionate heart- mostly for critters, 
but still, he has a big heart.
3. He has remarkable eyes that are almost superhuman.
He can spot a caterpillar 40 feet away camouflaged on a flower.
4. He is good with children and anyone who has special needs.
5. The way he calls me "Steph".
6. His bedroom is a mix of mess, clutter, and beauty, 
with flowers and plants growing in toilet paper rolls and old jam jars.
7. The way he can talk his way out of everything.
8. His long legs, cute hands, and wispy blonde hair.
9. His phone wallpaper is of us together, and he has a photo
of me in my softball uniform hanging on his bathroom mirror.
10. The fact that he owns 57 t-shirts
11. He is smart and learns quickly.
12. He is a creator, fidgeter, and collector 
13. That he has a personalized license plate.
14. He knows how to work.
15. Honors God and the Priesthood power he holds.
16. He knows Jesus Christ and lives up to his privileges.
17. He loves to snuggle with his 'ol mom.  Still.
18. He has a plan, a vision, a future, and I can't wait to watch
him go.  GO, Gigs, GO!

Happy birthday, sweet boy!

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Join Me!


Friday, October 04, 2024


Today I got my haircut and while I was sitting in the chair
I felt really dizzy.
Yesterday, I noticed my throat was sore, but I carried on
as one does.
When I got home from my haircut, I plopped myself on my bed
and died.
I don't know what it is, but it's bad. (It's probably Covid).
Claire and her friends are coming in later tonight and I hadn't finished
all the things I needed to do in preparation for them,
including making sourdough bread to go with the veggie soup,
mow the lawn, and get sheets and towels out for guests.

Around 4:00, about an hour before Claire was to depart.
I called her and told her I was on my deathbed, and I
 didn't think she and her pals should come down.
I would feel so bad if I gave whatever I have to them!!
I'm basically in Hell.
Also, when we woke up this morning, Kitty looked
like she had bees for dinner.
She's been lethargic, and her face is super puffy.
What on earth does that cat do at night?

Excuse me, I'm going back to my deathbed now.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Nostalgia Hits Again

This summer, Jane got a job at the downtown  
Provo Bakery, a block from the Pioneer House, where Christian, 
Claire and I lived when we brought Jane home from the hospital.

She can even see the house from the bakery's front window.
I found myself feeling nostalgic thinking about 21 years ago, 
when I was a very young mom with newborn Jane and baby Claire. 
We used to walk to the bakery almost every day to get a treat. 
It was a chance to get out of the house and get some fresh air.
I loved living near the bakery and watching it change with the seasons. 
We always looked forward to the Halloween pumpkin and bat sugar cookies 
on the trays, as well as the delicious rolls for Thanksgiving. 
But my favorite time was in December when the Christmas lights 
twinkled in the bakery's dormer window.
 I could see them while I nursed Jane in the rocking chair
 by my front living room window, 
waiting for Christian to get off the bus from school.
On the 4th of July, my Mom always bought my 
Dad, a giant Provo Bakery birthday cake
 to share with at least 100 family members at the BBQ/ birthday party.
The memories could go on and on.
Provo Bakery and my childhood/early mothering years go hand-in-hand.

Today, she sent me a text that a couple came into the bakery today 
At the register, they said to her,
"You know, we live just up the street, and we've never been here before,"

Then Jane said,
"Oh really, I used to live up the street at that yellow house right there
and I've been going here since I was born."

"Wait, what yellow house?" the man asked.

"That one, on the corner," she said, pointing again.

"Wait, 303?" he responded.

"Yes!! 303!!" she shot back.

"That's our house!" He said.

Jane couldn't believe it! Then they reminisced about the rooms,
paint colors and neighbors.
When she told me this story, I wanted to cry.
Nostalgia really gets me.

Unfortunately, it was Jane's last day working at the bakery. 
She found a new job that would fit better with her school schedule. 
She really enjoyed working there while she could, 
and I'm glad she met this lovely couple on her last day!
What a perfect way to end that chapter.
Then she sent me a photo of her at my parents' house, 
eating dinner that my dad made. 
When I close my eyes and think of my Dad making dinner,
I see on my plate soup with toast (and tons of butter on top),
and a clumps of grapes.
And that is exactly what she got.
I love my Dad.
She also sent me Y mountain and the changing leaves.
I love that she's experiencing that!!


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Once A Boy, Always A Boy

Today, I took Gigs to get his passport.
He'll be starting his mission application process around
December, and I wanted him to have his passport done and ready in case
he gets called somewhere out of the country; this is just
another step we'll have completed.
After, he asked me if he could buy some cheap hairspray
for his potato gun.
We got home, Christian was on the front porch waiting for us and 
just as excited as Gigs to shoot the gun.
Then I realized that once a boy, always a boy!
These cute boys who go on missions are all still just kids.
Incredibly, the Lord trusts these boys to carry His work forward
to people all over the world, learning about their culture, language, and lives.
I have seen so much growth in Ollie.  It's amazing!
He's a man in every way,
but he'll still come home and want to continue his helmet collection
and ride his dirt bike, and he even mentioned he wanted me to 
read him picture books on the couch like I did when he was younger.
I look forward to Gigs growing in this way, too.

Then, for dinner, Lottie made an artichoke dip.
She's been begging me to make his for weeks now!
It was delicious!
Go, Lod, go!
You know those commercials where people are shown 
eating food, closing their eyes to express extreme delight 
or emphasize how good the food is?
Well, that's Lottie, for reals.
She's done this for as long as I've known her.
It's the cutest thing!

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