HAPPY DECEMBER!!! But first, our Thanksgiving in review:
In the morning the boys played in the annual Turkey Bowl,
and the girls (mostly me and Jane) cooked in the kitchen.
While the food was cooking or setting up,
we lounged around the living
room reading and watching Netflix.
Dinner was served at 6:30.
And before we dug in, Christan blessed our beautiful bounty
and we talked about what we were most grateful for.
The Book of Mormon
Our home
The Prophet, Russell M. Nelson
Patience, hope, love, and grace.
After dinner, I passed around hot winter wassail with
our pumpkin spice and decadent chocolate pies.
We cleaned up dinner (kept the pies out),
and watched Murder on the Orient Express
where I fell asleep for the whole middle part.
Winter Pear Salad with Kumquats and Pomegranate Seeds
Sweet Potato Casserole with marshmallow topping
Frog Eye Salad (compliments of Oliver)
Herb-Infused Mashed Potatoes
Savory Herb Stuffing
Janes rolls
Pies with Wassail

The End.