The girls and I have been trying to come up with a way to answer
'YES' to their Prom dates in Utah.
Turns out it's hard to respond in a unique and clever
way hundreds of miles away.
My mind kept going to my favorite baker, Megan
because I knew she could help us come up with something
that included her delicious confections.
She is, after all, the Sweet Tooth Fairy!
Claire's date asked her with cacti,
while Jane's date asked her with an airplane and a map.
We responded accordingly:

A BIG thank you to my mom, who picked up the cakes and then
(much to my girl's chagrin),
hand-delivered them to their dates.
She even took photos, THANK YOU, MOM!
Prom will be here before we know it.
We've ordered the dresses, got our plane tickets,
and scheduled haircuts.
But we still need to order corsages (do they still do that?),
find a hairstylist in Utah, buy shoes and jewelry,
and find a tailor for a few measurement readjustments on the dresses.
It seems like just yesterday I went with Glade Mercer to Prom.
I flew to San Francisco to visit Page and bought my dress
on Haight-Ashbury street.
I thought it was a pretty unique dress, but in
reality, it was pretty immodest.
I have been thinking about this beautiful quote by
M. Russell Ballard on the roles of mothers and daughters:
"If the mothers are thrifty, so are their daughters.
If the mothers are modest, so are the girls.
Mothers, your example is extremely important to
your daughters—even if they don’t acknowledge it."
I wish I could take back some of my choices in high school.
But my girls have picked out beautiful dresses that are modest and unique!
I want them to feel beautiful, comfortable, and especially confident.
They are such amazing beautiful girls with amazing
respectful boys as their dates.
respectful boys as their dates.
They are going to have so much fun!
(Clane used to look like this!)