Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Last night Lindsay made us the most delicious dinner of
 grilled vegetables, fresh fruit, and her glorious homemade rolls.  
As the sun set, we dined outside in the (surprisingly) cooler-ish AZ weather.
We ate in the front yard under a large pine tree- 
it was quite a cozy sight.
But I felt pretty gross.
The best word to describe me would be "blobby"-
  Do you know that feeling?  
I just kinda sit around with no personality or opinions holding
my bandaged hand close to my chest for comfort.
Lindsay braided my hair so I wouldn't get hair in my food while I ate.
What a true friend.
It won't last forever, but I feel like a stick in the mud.
Lindsay has been such a dear friend, taking care of me 
and ensuring my children are happy, well-fed, and loved.
Last week she arranged for a very darling boy in their neighborhood
 to take Claire on a date.
Of course, I wasn't able to see her off because I was downstairs throwing up
 but I made Jane secretly film him picking her up.  
Mr. Nielson asked the usual questions: 
"How late will you be out?"
and "What are your plans."  
(They went bowling, and she came home around 11:00).
She had a good time.
I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. L tomorrow.  
I am very, very, very nervous to see my hand without a pinkie-
so are my kids.  Change is hard.

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