Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Several times throughout the day, I found myself admiring Mr. Nielson
like a high school crush. He is amazing.
Watching him today herd the cattle on horseback galloping back and forth
on the open fields was enough to make me melt.
Mr. Nielson belongs here, and seeing him in his element is fascinating.
He is strong and capable and gentle and calm.
I am forever grateful to be his one and only (he calls me his "lady").
It's been amazing to work right beside him these last few days.
Today we moved the new mamas and calves from the feedlot
where they have been living for the past week and into
the open pasture to graze and get fat.
We have been keeping a close eye on Big Boy, who was born yesterday.
He has integrated nicely and is nursing Mama fine.
He is still a little wobbly on his feet but is a darling little big thing.
Tomorrow is our last full day here at the ranch, and the Little Nies and I
will leave Mr. Cowboy Nielson, who will stay
here another few days until all the heifers deliver.
Happy weekend!
Spiritual Enlightenment: The Lord Has Nor Forgotten You.