Friday, August 21, 2015

Go Forth With Faith (back to school feast 2015-16)

Last Monday, our family celebrated 2015-16 
school year with our annual and traditional "Back to School Feast."
I enjoy preparing this feast and the celebration for my children.
 Next to Christmas, the Little Nies look forward to this evening all year.  

We have the same few traditions each year, including:

Crowns- to honor the children like kings and queens at the feast. 
 Sometimes I paint the crowns, and sometimes I really gussy them up cute,
like one year when I cut out a bunch of magazine images that reminded me
 of each child and glued them on the paper crowns.  
It's different each year, and I kept it simple this year.
Glass stars- 
with the Nies name, date, and grade etched in the center. 
The Little Nies will have such a colorful collection of
stars to display in their own homes someday!
The stars remind them that they are bright and 
can freely give their light to others.
Family theme- 
Mr. Nielson and I prayerfully ponder together
 what the theme will be for the year.
As a family, we memorize our themes, which usually doesn't
 happen until around Halloween and
 depending on the length of the theme.

Our theme this year was taken from a favorite church hymn 
by Ruth M. Gardner, 
"Go forth with love to tell the world
The joy of families--
That we may be with those we love
Thru all eternity.
Go forth to serve and do your best
With no thought of reward;
Then you shall know the boundless joy
Of serving Christ, the Lord."
I usually have the theme made into a card for the children to 
keep in their backpacks or lockers.  
This year, I had personalized notepads made with the theme as the cover.
Of course, we always have the theme framed for our family theme wall
which is upstairs in our hallway.
The new addition looks lovely.

Spicy rubbed grilled Salmon (which Mr. Nielson always grills for me)
Coconut watermelon with lime shavings.
(I omitted the tuna)
Arugula salad with Parmesan shavings and nuts.
Asiago crusty bread.
"Bubblie" (non-alcoholic drink....of course)
And for dessert, I made a banana split custard 
with fresh cream and sprinkles on top!
(I also added a sparkler on top, which was actually the 
number that represented their grade. 8, 7, 5, 3 ).
(I think we have done well, Mr. Nielson!)

The End.


Family Hymn Star (or you can create your own center) by Piggy & Dirt.
Personalized glass star, Piggy & Dirt.
Number sparklers
Framed theme and notepadsPinhole Press
Beautiful custom theme (or you can create your own theme), A Vintage Poster
Lottie's shoes, Mon Petit Shoes
Amazing Photography: Justin Hackworth (and assistant Tia)

Use: #backtoschoolfeast 
Show me what you're doing!
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